So here is my first steps for my character.
I was thinking: Well in a war its not only about kicks and punchs, there is a brain part.
Thats where _G0D; enters.
He was a human.
But he knows that humans have limits includying in the brain.
He knows that the human have limits of thinking.
A lot of things is ignored by the human becacuse the brain can't understand them.
G0D left the human for become a living machine.
Is a symbiotic human-machine.


What do you think?
I hope you like it :smile:

CREEPY. Seriously creepy, and I love it.

Woah, really cool concept, unique, youre the first one I've seen a champion's shape so different. Easy to remember thats a good start man! Keep it up! Looking forward for updates from you! :smile:

Concept Art Time!!! :smile:
I have this version but i have the idea that G0D may have the ability to make a body similar to the human.
For battle.
For now i will develop this version.

This is probably the creepiest one I've seen so far... I absolutely love this direction! I can't wait to see what this turns into!

1 month later

Hi, sorry for not summit anything in a long period of time, i'm back with this:
Lets say that is a composition doodle or something like that, for now i will work on the face, theres a posibility of change the design, i feel that is too simple.