Hello! My name is Robyn, i am currently 15 and due to that i am following the guidelines of posting a written statement from my mother.
This is what i have currently, below you can see my progress and i will gradually update this part so my reference and my final images are here.
So now comes the fun things!
My idea was initially a gravity mage, someone who could manipulate gravity to her will. I thought about it in game terms, what would she be wearing? What is her character like? Would she cast AOE's?
And this is what i came up with;
This is my first pass of what i feel she would look like, this isnt her final design at all and there is still a lot i need to change currently.
For example, her cloak was supposed to be attached to her wing via metal hooks, but while drawing it i found it didnt look elegant at all. For the next few passes of her character design i will probably change out a few parts of her clothing and make a neat sketch of her. Because in all honesty the picture above is too sketchy for me.
Currently i am imagining her as a character with a god complex, she was cast from the heavens down to earth and now see's herself as above all others. Which is why i gave her white gold armour.
Her name is also a pun, her title 'voice of the heavens' relates to her name being aether, which is apparently what the greeks believed the gods breathed?
Anyway, this is the end of my first update!
Thanks for reading!
- Robyn
My email is robynsgamingemail@gmail.com (nerdy, i know)
I currently dont have a website,
I dont have a twitter,
And i would like to keep my facebook private (although it said in the requirements to include it... but im young and i dont want to have people i dont know looking at my profile.)
2nd Update;
In this picture i was trying to give her a personality and at the same time edit her clothes in small ways, i like how the picture to the left came out, i think it gives me the impression that this 'god complex' character is insecure about only one thing; that she only has one wing.
Jan 21, '17
last reply
Feb 23, '17