12 days later

My work for today. This is a bit tedious, but I'm mostly happy with it. It's cool to see everyone's work come together! I've been rather ill lately, so haven't been able to get a lot done, I'm really hoping to get done in time.

By the way, do I need my final piece to appear at the top of my post? If so, how do I get it to do that? Help please?!

ugh, sorry it's so small. I can't seem to make it zoom in, Sorry. :frowning: Haha, and flipped, oops. Sheesh, I'm tired!

Ok, managing to get some work done today. I'm very nervous I won't be able to get this done, and I'm super bummed. I'm generally good at organizing my time, but I've been pretty ill lately. Anyway, here's my work today so far. Comments & encouragement would be highly appreciated! 💚✍🏻🎨

it might be good if u took screen grabs. easier to see than mobile camera images. GL : :relaxed:

Thanks! But can you tell me how? I'll try googling it. I want to show some close ups, and can't seem to figure that out on the computer. That's just screenshots right? I'll just google it, can't remember anything worth beans! Doh!
Thank you for commenting!!!

OK, here is a bit more that I've gotten to a place I'm fairly happy with. I've got actual screenshots this time, thanks to Fredrik! Let me know what you think! Thanks!!!

looks much better. now that i see the coolors! GL

Just stopped to actually eat something. (Thanks best hubby ever!) This is what I've got done until now. Hoping to get a little more done tonight before burning out! lol.
Hoping soooo much my energy will continue into tomorrow so I can get this done, and finish the concept page too, ACK!
There is one thing, I reworked the blaster to make the handle at a better angle, and now I'm disappointed with the look of it. :frowning: The golden glow it had before is gone, and it's all smeary. If I have time later, I'll see if I can fix that at all.

OK, I can hardly move. That's it for tonight. Hopefully I can finish this tomorrow in all it's armature glory! lol

Getting there! I'm getting happy with the detail in my cyborg/automaton/robot dude. If I can finish him up in the next couple hours the background shouldn't take too long (if I can figure out those cool area blur dealies!) I'm pretty happy with where this is all going, but would love some ideas on how to add the action to the scene. She is supposed to be jumping/plunging the spear, I don't wanna add comic style 'swish' lines really, as this is more realism than comic style. Blurring on the legs? Thoughts?

its the composition in general that makes a more stable disposition. you dont need swoosh lines. but it might be a good idea to take a look at comicbook
illustrators, how they use perspective and forshortenings to make the composition more dynamic! GL :smile:

Yes, that's a very good idea. Too late for this one, but hopefully I'll be able to incorporate all the great stuff I'm learning here next time! Thanks!

Done for today. I'm very tired. Fredrik's comment is so true. Too bad I didn't realize that back when I was still trying to chose a composition. Oh, well. This has been a good learning experience. I can't get everything right on my first try! lol
Anyway, here are my efforts for the day.

OK, here is my FINAL submission, so I hope I don't notice something else and try fixing it later! I will (hopefully) get my concept sheet finished tomorrow and add it. I can't figure out how to make this appear at the top, so I hope this is ok. Thank you to everyone who commented and helped out! And thank you Cube Brush for your consideration and for the opportunity! I edited this with a lightened version. I was noticing that it was showing up very dark on my other devices, I hope it doesn't look bad. :confused: