
A bit late to the party, as always. I wanted to hold off posting anything since I have a tendency of never finishing my contest entries, but perhaps this will be a good kick in the butt - commitment has been made.

Anyway, here are a few veeeery rough passes. I'll probably render a few of these before making the final pick.

I WANT to say that I'll be joining team fantasy... probably... The image I have in mind has elements of both genres - I'm not very good at following rules.

Anyway, if by some chance someone sees this, feel free to chime in and let me know if anything stands out, as I have a very vague idea of what to do, so any input is most appreciated. Thank You! ^_^

Looks nice so far ! Good luck :smile:

Sketches look really awesome, can't wait to see the 3D model!

Loving the thumbnails, can't wait to see more refined drawings its already looking interesting!

great sketches, i thing that the one you finished the most its really strong in every sense