Name: Zachary N-M
Website: n/a
@Twitter: N/a

Hey guys, Im zach_ Cheers from South Carolina! :grin: Here is my general design direction as of today, for my sci-fi character Cyper.

Added DEC 21: Cyper is a legendary humanoid who had awoken to raging war between the sci-fi and fantasy realms. Her and her hyena guardian, set out on a journey to find the once had trust between realms.

Front and back Updates :V

Thinking of giving her a pet

Team Sci-fi! Super promising.
make sure to take a second look at the head´s jaw it does looks scary.

the cat is super cooool

Some really good sketches here. I really love the hyena guardian, very cool. I'm looking forward to seeing more from you:)

So, my forum account duped itself, and now I'm stuck with this '1' at the end of my username.
I made a thread in the help center. I hope the mods can help me out.

Edit (8h later) Strange.. I changed my username in my profile settings to zach N-M, Then, changed it to zinkthefirst, and now they are like this lmao

10 days later

Here are some sketches exploring a tad more bold designs.-

I've noticed that the normal red and white scheme might be too simple. The red is c l i c h e (against the white), and the white could only be powerful in certain compositions.

  • 1 - Perfect glossy white can be powerful and bold at times, but in this case, It may just end up boring in the final. I kind of like the pointed shape, but it could end up working against me. 2- I like this green .. 3 - Textiles could work. They could bring warmth to her design. 4 -Leaning towards a patchy-ish design. This idea most likely wont stick. 5 I like this green stained look. 6&7 -More natural looking cut-lines. Maybe too loud.


I really like helmet design #2, seems very scifi design wise