Such an amazing armor design man, just the right amount of details! Man im so excited to see your work finished! :smile:

thx dude! yeah i try make it belevable. yeah i hope i finish it. :smile:

WOW I love your process, really good design work!

It so interresting to experience the progress of works here in this forum – your work as a good example. So rich.

thx! I agree. i feel that im learning alot about the process from others here. i think We all need to be better at posting the "ugly" stages. but its hard because well all want to show the good stuff...

Woo..Nice work. Love the design and composition.

Wow! You work is fantastic ! ) I want to cry))) is really cool)))

your concept and the illustration are looking awesome! but in my opinion this is more a fantasy character. of course you have some sci fi elements in there but the overall feel is more fantasy like. and it has a little frazetta touch :smile:

thx! yes but i love neo-feudal scifi, and in this case its about her trying to be percived as an legitimate decsdant of royal bloodlines. its all show! :relaxed:

that amazing artwork !

Somehow I feel the shape were better when she was fat, had more personnality to meI dont like as much her slimmer version., but thats just my 2 cent.

Greatjob, pose , fx, composition, its all great !

thank you for your feedback i will consider this! i put the plackart buldge to low . because i didnt do my homework( ref research). i might pull it out abit since it has more wolume in reality.

Is guardian's armor symbolic evangelist apostle mascot? Mark-the lion, Luke-the taurus...

well i didnt think about the apostles. maybe if i give here wings. its a bullfrog. im not sure if u can see badge on the "collar"

Never mind)) Very strong art!

Very strong! I love it. Good luck! :grinning:

10 days later

You got in to the final 30! Congrats!