I did listen different ideas and thoughts for the illustration and this is the final sketch what I will start to work.

In the back is her loving father who will teach her to fight and use her abilities for her journey. Their goal is activate the Heaven Stone what is teleport in the Flying City were lives the "Pure Breeds".

Pure breeds have raiced the City in the sky longtime ago, that they can be like Gods and put behing the dying underworld.

Nice! Just a suggestion, hope it's not to late but it feels a little clumped together, maybe you could set the father behind a little further, as he takes the attention away from her. Other than that it's looking pretty nice, keep it up! :wink:



You say that in the final illustration of the character, she must appear wholly and I can't cut her at all? ;___;
But in the rules there is anything of that? Just in the consept there have to be front and back picture.

Oh yes, the quote is from the FAQ, you can check it out, just as it says: the final illustration must contain at least 80% of the character. :wink:

FAQ (The very last question)

Thank you @aeguilrod a lot to for the info!

I did now sketch how I will fix the picture and I did change the canvas size, but I don't think I will finish this in time, I'm in trouble x'D

We're all in the same boat :laughing: but we can make it! Let's just work nonstop without sleeping :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
It looks clearer now, you're doing great, keep it up!

You are further than me in progress if that helps :laughing:

@aeguilrod Yeaa that sound like a plan, we can make it!
We have to eat, listen music and have little bit fire in our ass. :coffee: :pizza: :pizza: :musical_note: :notes: :pencil2:

No that did not help :laughing:

ART WAR | 2D | Fantasy - Crossbreed Ork Shaman

Personal details:
Name: Jenna Mattila
Email: mattila.world@gmail.com
Website: https://www.artstation.com/artist/jm-world
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jenna.mattila.94
Twitter: https://twitter.com/xenasart
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/xenas.art/

I don't have time anymore to continue this, because the school projects deadlines is coming fast too xD
So here are the finished pieces.

Consept sheets

Final Illustration

If I would do this again and I would have more time, I would totally do something simple next time and put more effort for planing the character. Otherwise I'm really happy with these creations working in 9 days after school.

I did learn a lot to others and my mistakes and it will be easier to start doing another one next time :smile:

This have been grate opportunity, all thanks to Cubebrush and the judges!

Looks really nice, congrats!
The most enjoyable part for me is what you learn out of each project to keep getting better just as you say.
Wish you the best of luck! :smile_cat: :+1:

Thank you! :blue_heart:
Cant wait to see yours ready too, have good luck! :sparkles: :smiley_cat: