Full name: Alex Radaev
Email: MineTimeCreations@gmail.com
Artstation: https://www.artstation.com/alexradaev
Hello guys! This is my first challenge on this web-site. I'm really hyped and wish a good luck for each contestant!
I chose The Dark Side, because it was always more intriguing for me personally. There are dozens of really developed, deep and interesting villians across many imagined universes.
So I started with the poses for my character, which is a humanoid creature. His kind is called Hasau by other inhabitants of the world.
The main features of Hasau kind and my character in particular are the skinny constitution, long limbs and the color of their skin, that becomes darker when to the end of the limbs. Facial bones are more pronounced and the face is slightly different then human: it doesn't really have a nose, only nostrils, skin is much darker than anywhere on the body, however, eyes are almost white and don't have a pupil.
When I was quite satisfied with the pose, I moved to the design of the character. Culture of Maya and Aztecs served as a great inspiration for the costume parts of the character (that were slightly changed later).
Oh, I forgot to tell one important ability of Hasau kind They worship their unknown gods, which gave them ability to manage the dark energy and to use it in their interests. However, not all the Hasau creatures have the same connection with the energy. That is why staff of the character is really important part of his costume, it helps him connecting with the energy and expands the scope of his abilities.
Finally i managed to apply values to my char. I'd like to say that this contest is really cool because it helps to understand and develop pipeline and find out for yourself techniques that fir best your demands.
It is still a lot to work on, but I'm truly gripped by what I've done so far and I will do my best to finish it!
Feb 6, '18
last reply
Feb 6, '18