Pretty neat, but I think the weapon is a bit odd - she's a huntress with a very lean figure, running and jumping through a forest, chopping down wolves and deer alike, right?
The spear consists of a very long stick and a big slab of metal. The handle will get caught up in vines and the blade will have a big momentum to it. Not very practical for fighting off something lightning fast in a pent-up environment, is it?
the spear is actually more like a mystic artifact with various magical ablilities, she has 2 of them and is able to summon them at will. she can make them levitate and conjure storms and things of that nature, shes more of a demigod, she can teleport, kind of like nightcrawler with black/purple smoke.
9 days later
last working of design before concept sheet. decided to make her a bit older looking and changed a few other things.
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