@skullguzma: Hey thanks! Yeah I toned down the window but now the pillar and reflections on the ground are looking a little bright so I'll probably tone those down now ha.
@rudakov: Thank you very much!
@rgdraw: Thank you!
@Kreyhardt: Thanks so much!
@Fresh_KB: I almost got rid of the hanging gut, but I'll keep it just for you <3 Thanks!
Thanks so much for all the feedback and support! Here is an update on the image. Also, if you want to watch me work on this I'll start streaming my progress on it here: https://www.twitch.tv/forrestimel
@Khulim: Thank you!
@frankenstejin: Thank you so very much
@Steve_Kim: Thanks!
@twistedxp: Glad I could kind of pull it off ha, thank you!
@rgdraw: Thank you very much!
Thank you all again for the kind words, seriously means the world people.
Here is an update! I'm pretty much calling it done. There are a few adjustments here and there I might make but this is it for the most part. I'll be working on the character orthographic next, so stay tuned for that!
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