NAME : Josh Nelson

OK I have been making a lot of changes to the design and just kind of going where it takes me. My original story for this character makes absolutely no sense with the changes I have made. So sticking with the girl and her robot, the new story is.... not done yet! I should have the new story and description up soon!!

Another small update, getting happier with the base design, hes a happy little robot

The third design looks awesome for me, it's just more orgnazied to look at :smile: Keep it up, your idea is really cool :smile:

Maybe you could add a more saturated accent colour to the design? Perhaps some nice grass-green detail around the face and what not?

That is an excellent idea thank you! I have a terrible time judging what colors to use so I appreciate it!

Nice armor details, and very unique concept! :smile: Keep it up man :smile:

Nice, the dark green , red, orange stand out to me, ^maybe add dark green to that one and maybe add orange to the cloth over her shoulder?
Either way hope this helps nice character.