in this world im having that Picts didn't merge with other clans and vikings and still remand a clan well into the si-fi future. Not a great deal is know about the Picts but they wore blue paint and where frightening archers. they had no armour so they fought in cloth.

defiantly want to incorporate Celtic designs since Picts where involved with creating some of them.

here is some rough silhouettes to start me off

nice! do they still use bows and made those stronger through science? or switched to long range rifles? a lot of options here :smiley:

@majmufin - ye not 100% sure yet. looked a little more into it and they still used spears as well. but worried the si-fi bow user is close to that horizon zero dawn girls, but we shall see

@andrewnimble - thanks man ^_^

@mavkrogan - ye not sure if I will go with the bow just gona see what fits.

just when you think you got something original a trailer pops along with that EXACT same idea. and than you just sit there like ''aaaw maaaaan, now ai have to think of another idea''

still keeping it mega rough. thinking about in the future where these Picts exist they fought some larger group like futuristic roman's and lost. they found Picts to be good warriors and used robotic limbs and other tech to fix there injured bodies, so they can fight for them. thinking the mask can look like a sheep skull to sorta link to Scotland, and the mask is also like a shock collar so they can't go rough. im not story teller but its a rough idea.

Looks nice so far. Keep posting, this idea process is interesting.
Im finally going to be able to join the Art War as well this week, I am so excited man :smile:

bit more into it think I shall use this as the base from now on. still gona do a few more sheets to see if i can incorporate some Celtic stuff plus show of the robot limbs and back

12 days later