I'm going for the fantasy theme. I'm not sure if my entry is considered last "minute" since there's only a week left.
I found this contest when it had around a month left, I was thinking of a concept when I had a wicked dream (sorry for the cheeze) and woke up wanting to start working on the final concept sheet immediately, when I discovered that my tablet's stylus was missing, I searched every corner and crack in my room for a week, and asked my parents if they had seen it, then my mom recalled seeing the stylus at work, and said that there was a very high probability they tossed it away because they took the stylus from my room thinking it was a pen that wasn't working (no ink, not "clicking"). I posted my woe on Facebook and my friend hooked me up with his old Bamboo Splash, which was great because its stylus was compatible with my Bamboo Create. However, after I saw how there was less than 2 weeks left, I became very discouraged and because a bit depressed for a few days.....until the Pokemon Gen. 2 update came out. I immediately started hunting pokemon that day (in the pouring rain), and arranged a hunting party with my friends the next (again, in the rain). I painted raindrops and a picture of a cloudy sky with a golden lining in my sketchbook with watercolors while I waited for my friends, spinning the pokestop I was at every so often. I came home so eager and pumped from the new pokemon I caught (mainly a Larvitar and a sighting of a Totodile) that I immediately started painting a sketch, and then another, and other, until I was passionately drawing and painting again.
TLDR: Lost my tablet stylus, got discouraged, pokemon go hyped me back up to painting again, and now I'm giving it a shot.
Stuff incoming soon.
Edit: 2-24-17
Forgot to mention about my character: She is an elemental warrior named Pyra and her "title" is the Herald of the Phoenix.
Here are just some references for my upcoming work. I will scan my (really, really bad) sketches in at work tomorr-er, today (1 am right now).
Update 2-26-17 3:20 AM:
I doubt I'll be able to fully polish this concept and get it out in time cuz my family and I just got another dog (bro's friend's mom suddenly called us and asked if we wanted it for free, we freaked out and said yes and dropped everything we were working on to get ready for the dog lol). I found my scanner, however there's something wrong with the scanner software and I can't find the CD to reinstall it (just my luck). So I just kinda re-sketched what I had.
Feb 22, '17
last reply
Feb 22, '17