Really interesting character Khulim, those small pieces of armor are perfect for his character and his powers. The way you represented that he lives alone with his companion is fitting as well! Keep it up man :smile: I love where this is going!

Thanks for the feedback :smile: . I thought that having a cute little zombie woodpecker would be a a great way to give more character to Rhallin.

Here is the coloured character sheet of my concept of Rhallin right now. I'm liking where this is going. If anyone has any suggestions i'm open to them.

The weapon is a bit weird looking, how do Rhalin use it? Would be interesting to know :smile:

Ohh, that looks so epic!! I need to see this finished!:smiley:

@sanguine @Kreyhardt Thanks for the ongoing support and opinions. It's appreciated :smile:

So here is my next composition. When going over the theme of the ART WAR I realized that Rhallin is too relaxed to show him as a powerful fantasy champion. I have created a new dynamic pose that brings his serious side while also adding comedy from his animal companions. I think this portrays his dangerous side which is needed in this competition. crits are always welcome :wink:

Really interesting idea ! Can't wait to see more !

Really cool power, his outfit suits him very well too. And now that staff is frikin awesome, he kinda looks warlock-y. My only concern is the perspective is a bit off, and the lizard at the right seems a bit off pose too, it's just my opinion :smile: I hope I helped in some ways though :smile:

thanks for the reply! I'm not sure which lizard you are talking about, but if you are talking about the snake on the left I'm open to suggestions :smile: . I'll try to tweak the perspective so it works.

There we go, the perspective looks a lot better! :smile: and I'm sorry I mistakenly thought of the snake as a lizard! :frowning: The fog is a good idea, it blends with the smoky powers of his! :smile: Great work man I see improvements! :smile: Looking forward to another update :smile:

Thanks! and don't be sorry about mistaking the snake. It's the artist's job to illustrate things in a clear manner; so the error is on me :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:.

Here's where I am right now. I'll be starting the rendering stage now. Wish me luck!

It's looking a lot better, my only advice though is, you gotta put more darker shadows, put more contrast on the face or any focal points you want. put a little vignette as well. I know this isnt the final render, but right now, I cant really tell where the light comes from, my trick here when I get to this point is to shade areas and experiment, just put big brushes down on the area you think should be in shadow, especially the farthest parts from the camera :smile: I hope this helps!