Yeah! Idea than mask looks like top jaw is so cool! I try make troll more friendly. He is a good guy in heart,but primitive one))

WOW! It has to be something incredible! Nice composition :smile: on

Damn pretty good everything in here !
Why I haven't seen this before ??? :smile:

Can't wait to see your composition all coloured !
Have fun :wink:

@mr_dessin Hello! Thankes you! I trying do troll well)
My topic never being in "top" thats why...may be...

@Pregium Thenk you! I'll trying do better than i can! And i watch for your winged demon! He is amazing!

@mr_dessin Meanwhile in Russia... Hydra-surfing is very popular competition between trolls... :grin:

High quality character and concept. I think in the final art the point of view is too large. I would try to place the upper heads close to the character and make the canvas smaller. Maybe this will put more attention on the character. Great work anyway.

@katya_cyan Спасибо! ^____^ [Thank you!]
@dha9000 Hi! Thank you for constructive suggestion about composition! I still thinking how more better realize effect of unequal battle...the canvas format helps me show it...but your advice useful,i'll keep it in my head)