Name: Ulrick Wery


Hi !

I just decided to participate in this cool contest !
First of all: Thank you Cubebrush for that kind of initiative ! It's really motivating.

So here's my concept in a few words:

I'll stand for the FANTASY ! And every war needs its champion, its banner-bearer, etc.
So to represent the fantasy, what's best than a melting pot of all the fantasy fondation: Old books, movies, games, metal band, etc.

I will (try to...) make a classical barbarian full of easter eggs, on the top of all his vanquished Sci-Fi enemies in a style of classical illustrations by Frazetta, Vallejo, Blanche, Brom, Norem, etc.

Here's my References board:

I will try to nail something like this for the visual style / color mood:

And the composition / layout should be something like this:

That's all for the idea and the references, next step: The first concepts :smile:

- Isn't it risky to make something too kitsch ?
- Yes.

Bonus: A beautiful soundtrack for this entry

I like your vision and ideas, especially the easter eggs one. For the composition idea, thats really cool and fitting for your planned champion. Keep it up! I'll be waiting for an update :smile:

(Oh and I forgot to mention: Schwarzie face obviously :smiley: )

26 days later

The values are so good, insane work man It looks really good! The composition is nice as well! Keep it up! :smiley:

Cool! Composition is epic and this red in the back gives a feeling of blood in the air. Scary, but a strong symbol. Keep up the good work!