Hello everyone! It is my first art contest and I'm very exited to participate :smiley:

I choose the fantasy side.
My character's name is Whisper, a young and brave sorceress, who speaks with spirits of all the greatest heroes her world has ever known, and uses their knowledge, powers and experience to become a strong and worthy hero herself.

Here are some of the sketches I've made so far.

I wish everyone the very best of luck! :smile:

I love the idea of her ability, the communicating with the greatest heroes to be stronger, thats an awesome idea! :smile: Your concept fits her story too, her armor is not too powerful, but it's perfect for that progressing of your character's potential :smile: I'd love to see more! :smile:

9 days later

I've decided to develop the character as a shamanic sorcerer - found it the most suitable kind of magic character for one who communicates with the spirits of fallen heroes
I also did some research on the ways shamans do their rituals, stuff they use for their magic - found staffs of interesting shape, different attributes (bells, bones, stones, ribbons, etc..). It will help me decide how Whisper's powers work and how she uses them.

Still thinking about her outfit - really enjoy working on her clothes

little faces - seals, one for each hero. I will write more about the idea later.