Wow this is freaking amazing! I am really looking forward to seeing how this progresses. Keep it up! :smile:

Your line art is just so amazing! Can't wait to see the big boss colored in!

Wow dude, you are awesome dishwasher! keep rocking those cast shadows! <3

You are doing an amazing work! Keep it up!

cool, looks nice; one suggestion I have is that make your design more relateable to a wider audience like I'm not sure what that thing she is holding is.

its a Japanese battle fan that samurai generals used to signal their armies and such

Dang man, representing that sci fi team for sure. Keep it up!

That hand of god :smile:
Really like all your details, pose, colours...ok... everything !

Beautiful work, I really love the battle fan and overall the control of values is superb :smiley: good jobu.

In this moment is this my favorite entry. Good luck!

Go for gold man, that's a winner image for me!

Impressive work dude !
I love that rusty metal effect you managed to do on the robot, great job :smile: