MAGI is an acronym for Militia Anti-Gravitational Infiltrator. Magi is able to create and control forces against the force of gravity to hurl objects at her enemies and attach herself to walls and other structures.

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ArtStation -

I think I'm done. I've learnt a lot over the course of this competition, especially about my own style and what approach suits me best. There are some things I could have done better and I wish I had spent more time on this, but there's always next time! Good luck everyone, I've seen some extraordinary work here!

Edit: I'm not seeing the submission button, so I've updated this first post with the final images as stated in the instructions.

While I'm set on Magi being a sci-fi inspired character, I'm still not quite sure on whether she is a robot, cyborg, or a person inside a suit. Just quickly sketching some different and fairly random designs at this point to see what looks good. I'm thinking for my next few sketches I'm going to put a greater focus on her power.

I think the source of Magi's abilities will be from her gloves (and maybe boots too), so I'm going to have to figure out how they are going to look and function. I want something that isn't bulky but form-fitting while still having moving parts.

My first more polished depiction of the character; but still very much a work in progress in terms of the actual design elements. I'll probably create a few more different versions of this, however before doing that I think I need to consider colours for the character design first.