worked a bit on the animal size comparison, I want him to be a tiger with the tail of a fish, Not sure about his design yet and I worked on the shoulder Armour that's going to be a good design start for the rest of her body. Next I'm going to work on the silhouettes. I would love to know you opinions and which of the armors you like best!
Rough characters silhouette I still can't decide between the child and the young adult. with the adult i think i like 2-3 and with the child i like 6 and 8 (maybe 7's skirt)
I would love to know which ones you like and don't like!!
I'm also thinking of giving her a special potion shooting bow&arrow.
@mr_dessin thank you so much!
@krizevil thank you!
@sanguine i think shes more unique than the rest!
@rgdraw it does help! thank you!
guys thank you so much forcommenting it means a lot <3 and helps me out with ideas!