Name: Justin
@Twitter: N/A
@Facebook: N/A

Shrouded in darkness, very little information is known about the infamous hero slayer. Living by one goal he wishes to vanquish Heroes. He believes the world deserves to start anew, purging Heroes and Heroes alike.

Here is a idea I'm toying with for my villain. This was inspired by Stain from My Hero Academia and The Joker from Batman. I hope I can take this to a finished and polished level. I'll be adding a fully detailed front and back soon. Just wanted to share some ideas atm.

I know I won't win with my current skill-set but I'll do my best and just have fun with it :smile: Good luck to everyone!

15 days later

Just finished doing a colorized version of my front and back concept. I'll be trying to design a final illustration throughout the remainder of the contest. Please comment and let me know if there is anything you see which I can improve on. I don't care about winning I just really want to have fun and learn from this!