I've quickly mocked up a black and white character design that I can change colours on later.

A massive superhero addict, I'm really into back stories and how they got their powers. Instead of being born with them or receiving them from falling into a vat of acid or even being bitten by a spider, I thought I'd go down the route of a character that failed to die. Just a regular young woman who was out with friends camping and fell off of a cliff to what should have been her death. I liked the idea of her being stuck between the real world and that of the undead. However, I didn't want her to be a villain. I really liked the dichotomy between her story and purpose.

So, ignoring all of that quick backstory stuff, I need to use it to inform her design and posing.

To figure out for next post:
How I'm going to show her fading to invisible (Maybe skeletal inbetween phase from the bottom of her body upwards)
A little bit of sculpting to get things on the way
decide on a pose idea for the final model.

15 days later

So, I basically disappeared for a couple of weeks to do some work on another 3D bust challenge but as of wednesday I started actually making my model for this.

So this is just a little update of where I'm at.

So, I made a base body with a more pear than hourglass shape - i'm a sucker for making curvy women- and mocked up a quick base face.

I then worked a lot more into the body detailing and shaping the frame and hands. I also began outlining the forms of the face

Finally, I defined the face more to give her that kind of 'don't fuck with me' face. I also decided she needed dimples, a nose ring and a messy side fringe. I'm probably going to put her hair in a pony tail also due to that making more sense for fighting bad guys.

19 days later

So, my progress on this project has been extremely slow due to other commitments in my life and the madness of christmas.

However, I've finally finished the sculpt for this model based on this piece of concept art I drew up:

I'm now starting the retopping process- hopefully I'll finish in time!

13 days later

Finally retopped the whole thing- next unwrap/pack then onto baking and texturing

15 days later