Heroe name: Shamanink
Alter Ego: Sigfrid Sullivan
Blessed with super powerful tattoos or Tatouázkinesis (tattoos manifestations) can manifest the art of him body in reality. they support Shamanink in different ways, the only limitation is can manifest 2 at the same time, and each of them will be real at a variable period of time to the amount of energy that the spirit requires, his advantage is that you can quickly change between invocations.
After seeing the appearance and the skill of each spirit gave to him, Shamanink decided to give each one a name.
- Vulpe a spirit that gives a rapid boost in any direction including jumping high heights, allowing you to get where he need it or cover great distances in a short time.
- Hits are spirits that cover him hands allowing you to grab, move or hit consecutively without requiring much energy to keep them
- Dash a small spirit that allows to pull, scratch or cut objects with their long arms and small claws
- Spikes is a spirit that covers him body protecting it from impacts and reducing the damage of them, spikes also has the ability to expand his body with thorns for additional protection
- Ram invokes spirits consecutively that they ram again and again in several directions against their objective
- Bull is a big spirit which can hit, kick, crush, destroy thanks to its strength and size
- Deer is a spirit with large and sharp claws that allow him to cut practically anything in front of him leaving a trail of burned areas
- Snake a long-bodied spirit that resembles a snake, thanks to its shape and speed, helps you to immobilize, tighten and hold objects or people quickly.
- Yak, also known as Bull's big brother because of its similar appearance, only bigger, bad and strong, the amount of energy that is maintained so high that after each move generates waves of energy.
- Slingshot a spirit that can throw balls of energy which produce an explosion after impact
- Squid is more powerful and dangerous of all spirits, with long and pointed, tentacles that crosses its target with energy , its power is so great that it can get out of control, letting Shamanink exhausted or vulnerable for that reason him uses it only as a last resort.
Today I will be working on blockout and some sketches