First pass at the design.
This idea of a girl who can do multiple things at the same time came to me earlier. I started thinking about it as of superpower. And then I started thinking about "heroes". I thought one of the real heroes nowadays are the cops for sure, a lot of those guys have really hard time on a daily basis. And then this 2 extra hands idea came into equation. Then also the "good cop / bad cop" - I think it is often hard to not become a villain when you have a lot of power in your hands ( being a cop or politician or someone in power ) <-- THIS idea is what I'll try to show, its a personality. A girl so stays on the edge between good and bad but untimately fights for good.
Those two extra hands are little sub-characters resembling good and bad. She can control them if she wanted to but in the end they live in their own world, whispering in her ear "Kill him!" or "Save him!".
Bike came into this too, since I though it could be super handy to chase down the villains when you have two extra hands - you need 2 hands to control the bike, and 2 others can be busy shooting or helping to break or something else.