Thanks a lot!
WIP of the armor sculpt. Lots of details!!

nice, what kind of era are you using for refrence on the armor?

Great stuff! Well sculpted face and beard. Looking forward to the body.

Thanks guys! @majmufin i'm referencing Warcraft movie armor in general, so I guess whatever that is :wink:

Hey man really digging the armour details dude :smiley:

Thanks to Christmas I haven't been able to do much but here's what I've done. Quick paint over on my progress. He doesn't look so old when i give him hair xD Still not sure how I want to detail is abdomen. May leave it blank as there will be a belt over part of it.

closeup on detail

@alien_hand Thanks! Still contemplating the style so I'm not sure how much detail I'm going to go into :frowning:

Quickly modeled some base meshes before I gotta stop for the day. Lots of adjustments to do for the clothing. Still a few things to block out but it's taking shape! :smile:

Nice! I like the concept too, but before you get too far let me ask, if I may, what makes him a King of Knights? What sets him apart from being "another dude in armor"? How did he become king? What do these knights do? Thinking of who he is and the world he's in can help guide your concepting, at least it does for me xD.

Either way I'm following this :smile:

@aveon Thanks! and good question haha
Some backstory:
The previous king of the kingdom had fallen in war, no heirs had been named and they were in dire need of a new ruler to keep things in check and to boost morale. The heads of the noble families all decided that the next king should know of war to ensure their victory. Keeping a close eye on all the knights to see their prowess and command in battle, they chose a knight for his capability of keeping his men alive to win battles. They thought without a doubt that this knight could become the king they needed to lead their armies to victory against the warring kingdom. Through many victories over the years, and many losses, the people of the kingdom came to know him as the King of Knights as he fought in every battle he planned. He refused to sit on a throne barking orders while his men died in battle. Fighting by their sides he won victory for his kingdom and pledged to always be the first to run into battle to protect his people if the need ever arose again.

Ahhhhhhhh ok @klautier , nice!
Now; how do you describe all of that through your character? :stuck_out_tongue: The environment you'll put him in can definitely help, but just food for thought. Looks good so far, so lookin forward to your next WIP!

Lots of progress, decided to get my but into gear to get this sculpt done so i can retopo and texture.

Still to do:
- Chain-mail
- Detailing back and Shins
- Belt
- Cape
- Crown

@independhans Thanks! :smile: no it's not. it's a material by @marc that he supplied with a tutorial. It's helps me see the smaller details that skinshade or the standard grey won't!

Nice! Your hard surface work is really clean, definitely not always the easiest to achieve in ZBrush! Can't wait to see it textured :smile:

Lookin nice so far! All i'd say is that you should push your details a little further, they look almost illustrated on, so they may not catch the eye enough in the normal map. Also, while it may be coincidental, you're definetly starting to get a bit overwatch-y with those pants; if that's the style you're going for then you'll probably want to check out the J.C Leyendecker book on clothing. Blizzard stated at the most recent Zbrush summit that they were mainly inspired by his work when considering how they were going to do cloth.

Hope that helps, looking forward to more!