Hi there! I've been following the competition for a few days and have become really inspired to jump in myself. I'm fairly new to creating characters, so I thought it would be really fun to challenge myself.
I picked team Sci-Fi in this war. I knew right away that I wanted to make some kind of a futuristic rendition of Rococo armor while also playing in the sleek simplicity of traditional Sci-Fi designs. Spent a lot of time sketching and, subsequently, scratching ideas until I came up with a partially fleshed out concept. I added a few of my other quick silhouette sketch's and color palette ideas for a glimpse of some of the choices I ultimately made.

Christina Sewell

Really nice pallette and looks like the armor flows nicely with the contours of the body. Nice start!

You have clear direction and you play with some stereotypes that makes the design interesting.

The weapon is visually strong.
The glowing horns are hard to see in the concept.

Thank you very much for the comments!
Here's my first update on the 3D model. Working mainly on the basic shapes and trying to get a decent concept sculpt of the hair down. I really like the idea of having hyper detailed areas (like her hair) to contrast the simplicity of her armor.