I love the final concept! The only thing that bothers me is that tiny little pocket, I just want to enlarge it to like double the width or something, also have you thought about making a weapon? You could do some sci fi kunai or something to go on her belt at the back~ I also agree that the shoe laces take away some of the sci fi feeling, everything is up to you though!

@blair Yeah the pocket was too tiny. I ended up scaling it when modelling! Yup she has a katana, already on it. Iv modeled some laces in but i don't think it detracts too much from the scifi look. let me know what you think!

So i have spent some time refining the model. I'v been ill the last few days but i'v been chipping away at it when i can. I made some adjustments on the overall proportions and refined the sculpt. I ditched the sash for now because i couldn't get it to work however if i get time i'll give it another attempt.

I'm going to spent a few more days on the sculpt but i will probably move onto retopo soon. Any feedback is appreciated, I am using this contest as an opportunity to try and get better at doing characters. Please feel free to critique it.

Thanks guys!

Love the sword details, looking clean man.

YAS! That hair, that sword! Looking sexy (as well as that subtle butt pudge on the back 3/4's, what can I say haha).

Good progress on that little bunny :wink: Great job on the sword.

O_O the silk on the katana is so perfect. And the tsuba too. Well done!

That sword is super clean I love it! Needless to say I also like the character :3

1 month later

Hi Guys

So it's been awhile since i have posted any updates. I am still working on the character but i doubt i will finish on time. I ended up falling ill with Flu for a couple of weeks, then ended up in hospital for quite awhile with suspected Myocarditis! It hasn't been a fun time and however much i work i just can't catch up with the huge amount of time i lost. I'm pretty disappointed i can't make the deadline, it's the one thing i really wanted to achieve. I will however continue working on her for my portfolio.

I'm currently finishing up the retopo and Uving preparing to bake texutures. I will post an update once i'm done.

@JoseFuentes Actually i did nothing too complex. For the sword handle i had a cylinder for the inner section, masked some diamond shapes in zbrush and extruded in. Then the cloth is a small section that i sculpted and duplicated across the whole handle. I hope that helps!

Thanks for all the support/comments on my thread.
Good luck to everyone else still in the competition. I will continue watching!

I'm sorry for you! I hope you get better and finish her anyway. Such a great character!

I hope you get better, I'll continue to follow your works: this is an awesome project!!!

Ahhh, that sucks. Was really looking forward to this one. Hope you get all better and finish this one at some point. Cheers!

D: Sorry to hear! I've had something similar, not a fun time, heart goes out for ya. Looking forward to your WIPs on 10k or w/e you post them! :smile:

I wish you to get better and hope to see this awesome character finish soon ^^

Thanks for the love guys. I am feeling much better now and i'm back to normal!
So this weekend i really wanted to try and see if i could finish something for this deadline. I quickly sculpted a pose and threw it into marmoset.

I really wanted to finish something for this competition. It's not the best but i had to cut corners if i wanted to submit something. I am however still going to continue working on the game version in my spare time where i can actually fix all the things i don't like! On the upside i finally settled on the name Mitsu for her.

It's been super fun competition and there are so many great entries. I look forward to seeing all the final images!

Anyway here are my final images:

Concept Sheet

Detail Sheet

Final Image

My Details:

Name: Charlotte Johnson
Email: cl-johnson@live.co.uk
Twitter: FemCharles
Facebook: Charlotte Johnson

Nice! Glad you got to finish after all; for a last minute compilation for completion it looks rad :smile:

I hope you get to keep on working on it she is very cute! :smile: Your contest presentation turned out pretty nice too!