Love the sword details, looking clean man.

YAS! That hair, that sword! Looking sexy (as well as that subtle butt pudge on the back 3/4's, what can I say haha).

Good progress on that little bunny :wink: Great job on the sword.

O_O the silk on the katana is so perfect. And the tsuba too. Well done!

That sword is super clean I love it! Needless to say I also like the character :3

1 month later

Hi Guys

So it's been awhile since i have posted any updates. I am still working on the character but i doubt i will finish on time. I ended up falling ill with Flu for a couple of weeks, then ended up in hospital for quite awhile with suspected Myocarditis! It hasn't been a fun time and however much i work i just can't catch up with the huge amount of time i lost. I'm pretty disappointed i can't make the deadline, it's the one thing i really wanted to achieve. I will however continue working on her for my portfolio.

I'm currently finishing up the retopo and Uving preparing to bake texutures. I will post an update once i'm done.

@JoseFuentes Actually i did nothing too complex. For the sword handle i had a cylinder for the inner section, masked some diamond shapes in zbrush and extruded in. Then the cloth is a small section that i sculpted and duplicated across the whole handle. I hope that helps!

Thanks for all the support/comments on my thread.
Good luck to everyone else still in the competition. I will continue watching!

I'm sorry for you! I hope you get better and finish her anyway. Such a great character!

I hope you get better, I'll continue to follow your works: this is an awesome project!!!

Ahhh, that sucks. Was really looking forward to this one. Hope you get all better and finish this one at some point. Cheers!

D: Sorry to hear! I've had something similar, not a fun time, heart goes out for ya. Looking forward to your WIPs on 10k or w/e you post them! :smile:

I wish you to get better and hope to see this awesome character finish soon ^^

Thanks for the love guys. I am feeling much better now and i'm back to normal!
So this weekend i really wanted to try and see if i could finish something for this deadline. I quickly sculpted a pose and threw it into marmoset.

I really wanted to finish something for this competition. It's not the best but i had to cut corners if i wanted to submit something. I am however still going to continue working on the game version in my spare time where i can actually fix all the things i don't like! On the upside i finally settled on the name Mitsu for her.

It's been super fun competition and there are so many great entries. I look forward to seeing all the final images!

Anyway here are my final images:

Concept Sheet

Detail Sheet

Final Image

My Details:

Name: Charlotte Johnson
Twitter: FemCharles
Facebook: Charlotte Johnson

Nice! Glad you got to finish after all; for a last minute compilation for completion it looks rad :smile:

I hope you get to keep on working on it she is very cute! :smile: Your contest presentation turned out pretty nice too!

Nice, glad to hear you're better and were able to finish it :smiley: Great Job!