very awesome so far! The wings feel really well positioned, and makes for a nice silhouette.

Good to see you join Lionel! Looking forward to it.

Nice catch. My thinking here was that no one dies anymore and there's no cycle of life..just existence. I didn't think about reproduction...which would make population control necessary :smile: . But I suppose individuals could copy their DS into another Mechanical Organism...making 2 or more of themselves...which should be either limited or Illegal. Sentinels could serve as bounty hunters for illegally copied MOrgs (Mechanical Organisms)

@Naret I had a similar thought about the feathers but I like your idea of having an intimidation mode a lot.

Thanks for the feed peeps.

Woah. This looks like its going to be awesome. Great job so far.

@RogerP thanks dude. you got me here :wink:

@rico-cilliers thanks man! I'm hoping I can pull those off. Feathers/wings gave me trouble the last time I tried but I'm up for the challenge.

Got into indecisive mode a bit. Didn't like the torso area so played around with some design concepts. I like a couple of these(9 and 10) and may knock out a design later today. What do you all think?

I like design no.10 for its more a-symmetrical design. The feathers really add that little bit of detail that pushes it over the 'too subtle' line.
Design 2 and 7 are also very nice, they feel more futuristic to me than the other designs.

I really like how you're breaking this down and sharing your process! As for these I like the torso designs that flow with the musculature of the body a bit more - so 2, 4, and especially 7 stand out for me. The feathers look great either way (9 or 10) for me it comes down to animation - which I think #10 would work better for as a flowing tail giving that hard body a bit more flow and movement when running around.

@Rubical I like 10 for the same reasons you mentioned. I also agree with your thoughts on 2 and 7.

@sarawildeart No problem. I'm usually hesitant when showing early workings as I change things so much...which usually keeps me from completing these contests :confused: I did't think about animation but that is a great point.

Thanks for the feedback!!

Here's a rough block in of design 10.

Looking sweet man!

ambitious design, love the purple/dark purple color scheme!

I like #2 This is coming along dude. Keep at it!

I like 2 and 6. Thats coming along nicely. Im digging the purple color palette

@itseffindan yeah I'm starting to feel like I bit off more than I can chew :smile: . Thanks man!
@RogerP @fantasymaster @briansdolan89 all good choices. Thanks guys!

Started refining some of the design a bit and learned that I needed to learn more about hard surface modeling in ZBrush. Took quite a few times to get panel loops to work the way I wanted but was fun figuring it out.

For the face area, I ended up grabbing a few things from each of the designs mentioned above. Thanks for that again guys! Lots more to go...

Nice work i was surprised to see this was a chick i totally thought for some reason it was a dude, maybe the head shots by themselves threw me off hard.

Cool updates i like the colors you are using.

@zyp thank you! Yeah..kind of challenging myself on a few things with this one. I hardly make female characters or I'm in somewhat new-ish territory. The only female defining attributes at the moment are the torso and face. I'm trying to make the face a little softer but also creepy since she represents a form of death in my story/concept. Not sure if that's translating yet so I'm open to suggestions in that regard.

Did a test render/paintover last night. Wanted to figure out some of the finer shapes and design more while also exploring how far to take them. I'm usually torn on when to stop with details and if there are enough...if that makes sense.'s my latest progress.

@ljsketch Hey thanks for responding to my comment.
I'll try to help, she looks to be middle Eastern type of woman / African (Caramel skin).
I found this img the other day that i think everyone can benefit from:
Faces of the world
I'd go for the 1st one's appearance if it was me but you pick your favorite :smile: or the one that fits your characters story.

Hope that helps, areas i kind of notice no high cheekbones no big lips, perhaps that chin strap is creating an oddness i think perhaps thin it out or break it up at the very front or sides somehow to eliminate it from creating a box chin mostly seen in taller women or in men.

Hope all that helps, still like her.

1 month later

hey @zyp thanks for the feedback. That faces link is awesome. Will definitely use in the future.

Obviously, I didn't finish my entry, but I'm going to try and finish it up as a personal achievement over the next few months. Thanks to those that dropped by with comments and crits.