Story: 2057 AD. Third year into the invasion of planet earth by a race of narcissistic aliens called "Dooshbots". Humanity's survival rests on the shoulders of one man, special agent Frank "Fudge" Housen. "Fudge" may not win any beauty pageants but his slight, troglodyte-ish appearance gives him an advantage over his more handsome and buff peers; the Dooshbots are too vain to take him seriously because "the dude looks like a total loser". Fudge manages to infiltrate Dooshbag City by dressing up as a ballerina and confusing the guards (who are constantly on the lookout for handsome James Bond types), then makes his way into their HQ and takes out their leader, Tylerus Dooshus Maximus the 3rd. Fudge is subsequently knighted by the Queen of England and is henceforth known as Sir Fudge Housen, but to his fellow special agents will always be known as a "The Dooshslayer".

Mood Board:

First block in pass finished (dynamesh, zremesher). Still haven't really figured out his costume yet but I'm spending today looking at pics of 50's space comics and futustic helmets and suits.

Am also looking for references of tutus and ballet shoes, but not sure I will use this in the final design.

Another helmet idea, though I have to admit I'm not liking the motorcycle vibe. Think I'll explore a retro/futuristic design, something minimalist where the lights (emissive geo?) play a bigger role. I figured the helmet would obscure the face but I think I'll sculpt the upper face in too and add eyes, just in case.

The legs are bothering me. Not sure if I should shrink them, make them a bit more "realistic" (and give him some knees), or keep them the same size. Will also sculpt some toes. He'll probably be wearing boots though.

Some gun ideas:

nice character choice, not the usual hero type :smile: i like the volumes of the body. as you said, you could add some definition to the arms/ legs to separate them in upper and lower parts (show elbows/ knees). should work without loosing the cartoon feel.

Thanks bloecher, almost forgot about those elbows :smile:. Good point about separating the forms. Really dig your concept by the way!

Some slight proportional tweaks. Added indication of elbows. Legs/feet/toes are next. Then I'm going to take a break from the body and start working on the weapon & costume.

This looks like a really fun project! Looking forward to the result.

1 month later

More work on the costume. Still trying to maintain the overall shape language. There's a bit too much roundness going on but I plan to add some contrasting shapes in the gloves, boots, weapon and fine detailing.