Fantasy team here!

I've decided to do something along the lines of a viking/witch, with a high-fantasy twist on the outfit?

Likely lots of inspiration from The Witcher, although my personal style may not reflect it. Character's "class" is subject to change as I concept.

First quick concept, inspired by Vikings/Miranda Hedman's Lagertha hair tutorial haha...

Loock deep into her eyes! I see greatness in there.

Whoa nice concept and her face looks nice also.

Hair is starting to take shape! I modeled out her body but am having issues with deciding on proportions, outfit, etc so I'll be doing some recon on that before updating.

Face lost a lot of detail in dynameshing but was looking a little offso it's all good :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

// Edit/update: Scrapped the body and now playing around with face again - geo brows and coloured eyes really help imo

Oh this is looking good! I can really see that you're trying your hardest to come as close as possible to your conceptart (which is awesome btw :smile: )

I was getting nervous with that 1st one :smile: but the 2nd update on the sculpt is making this look a lot better, just don't get ahead of the details.

On my entry i put up a how i do things type of a short tut as just a reminder as to how cool things can look if your take your time with each division.

Can't wait to see more.

Great progress. I feel that the nose is a bit long. Maybe better to have a loock at her face without the pearcing first. The hair looks promising. I would create the eyebrows like the hair, as separate geo.
Sorry, complaining to much.

@nicococo Thank you! I'm hoping I'll be able to find a happy medium between my own style and a semi-realistic figure, so I'm glad at least one is coming through so far! :relaxed:

@zyp hahaha definitely almost didn't post the first, but figured it was good to show the progression.
I have a tendency of getting ahead of myself with detail - especially around the face - my only saving grace being I don't mind losing everything when I retopo :sweat_smile: Thanks for your support thus far!

@fantasymaster No no, not complaining at all! I have very little experience so I'm happy to hear suggestions. I think you're right on separate geo for the brows - much easier to get a definitive shape. I'm still not happy on the face overall, but I'll likely go back a few more times/try out your suggestions before I totally settle. Thank you!

great work out there...i liked the way u approached for texturing :smiley: , even if its only the eyes...its gives a more anime kinda look (gives me a feeling that u may experiment with some shaders and materials) good luck and looking forward to your progress... :grin: