Thanks! Yeah, I think the golem was more menacing when it was darker - but I'm trying to balcance sense of scale and depth of the scene using atmospheric perspective, so it's a bit of a balancing act. Will have to think about it more -)

Beautiful values and composition, and yeah I agree with oceane it could probably do with being brought just a little further into the composition so it's closer. If you do want it further away though I'd mess around with clouds or placement in the atmosphere so it does look much further away

Thanks! Will have to mess around with that a bit -)

Made a couple of fairly significant changes to composition. Decided to go more true to the intial sketch with golem not fully in frame, but that forced me to move the emblem to a new place. I think it looks nice in the "chest" - and even makes narrative sense, like a symbolic heart of the animated creature. Or something like that -)
Had to rethink lighting on the golem a bit because of that - but I think it works better this way.

Really lovin the design process you're goin through :> Always a fan of the tribal stuff!

i love how you chose a color palette nearly exclusively made up of earthy tones :smiley:
oh and rendering also looks great so far! that gravity effect on the dudes in the front works really well

@nyamesis Thanks! Yeah, I thought tribal would be fitting to earth themed character.

@yorkomo Thank you! Glad you like it!

This is looking soo good so far, and the choice of colours works really well

Thanks! Glad to hear that!
I was thinking about finding some cooler tones to oppose the warm majority, but at the same time it does seem to hold as it is, so maybe it's better not to mess with a thing that works -)

Having something to battle that warmth will help with the colour harmony, give it some depth you are correct. And some cooler blues would be perfect, maybe in the sky?

Some more progress still. Worked on the man's face and added more stuff to background.

So, here's my final piece:

An ancient golem made out of rock and clay and chains. It seeks to crush and bury underneath the earth everyone who trespasses upon the holy ground of the long forgotten tribe that once created and worshipped it like a god.

It looks amazing well done on completing it!

That's a neat concept! I like how it's a bit creepy with the skeleton elements, but the lighting makes it look like a divine creature. It's pretty cool!

Good job ! It's looks great ! I love the atmosphere !

@nesokaiyoh - Thank you! It was a bit hectic process by the end but I'm glas I pulled it off! -)

@cedricgo - Thanks! Makes me glad to hear that, means I've put time into the concept phase not for nothing -)

@pylua - Thank you! Happy to hear that -)