Nice, what element? and i don't know if this applies to the concept section of the challenge, but there are also emblem .zip files in the main/brief section i think you have to attempt to incorporate into your design to define your chosen side.

I also wanted to share images of mages/priest designs i really like and thought it might help you out but i don't want to impose on your thread and post links to other peoples works so if you would like those you can post you welcome alternative inspirational imagery.

Good luck otherwise i'll be checking everyone's stuff out.

hi! Thanks for the advice, I have attached the logo as it is still a draft. But I didn't understand what you meant by not solving the problem.

Love the idea of the antlers of the far right one, but the middle one draws the eyes back to the character on the steed. I like the staff on the far left drawing. Overall middle for everything else.

10 days later

3rd one stands out after staring at this for a bit, i was going to go with the middle one also but to my eyes they get bothered by the dark blue under the light blue (could be a me issue, :stuck_out_tongue: ) otherwise nice, 3rd ones easiest on my eyes.
Maybe if the blues where switched on middle one it might be easier on my eyes? idk.