12 days later

Rough thumbnails for ideation. I want to copy how riot artist design their champions
I decided to go with lightning element. The idea started off with wanting to do medusa with lightning snake hair but then I wanted to explore a little bit more, so I gave my self the prompt: Lightning, Hair, Instrument.

I decided to go with the 3rd on the bottom thumbnail because of possible fun gameplay idea. I will be refining these thumbnails just as practice and possible portfolio piece then work on more variety exploration.

I know this is an illustration contest but might aswell take the chance to challenge myself :smile:

I like the 2nd one from the bottom

Thanks! I like it too! It's actually the last one I drew. He feels too much like Qiyana from league with the circular thing around him that's why I didn't go for him

I definitely see the Qiyana resemblance

I knew I wanted to push and explore number 7 but I wanted to take this chance to get more drawing and design practice. I tried to put enough details so when I comeback to use these designs for painting practice, I would have enough to go on.

my favorites are 4 and 6 but can't decide which one to pick

looking awesome! the second one has a great feel about her

13 days later

I'm so stuck trying to find the right design/feel for this character. I started out doing some varation from my previous thumbnail but it wasn't quite hitting what I had in mind. I wrote down some keypoints that I had in mind and started more exploration on paper and digital. It was when I started doing the rough splash thumbnails that I kinda understood what I wanted.
Still far from finish if I want to put this in my portfolio, lots of stuff to figure out.

I'll be going with number 2, next step is figuring out the design then hopefully take it to finish.

the starry hair is pretty cool but kinda feel like it doesnt fit