13 days later

I'm so stuck trying to find the right design/feel for this character. I started out doing some varation from my previous thumbnail but it wasn't quite hitting what I had in mind. I wrote down some keypoints that I had in mind and started more exploration on paper and digital. It was when I started doing the rough splash thumbnails that I kinda understood what I wanted.
Still far from finish if I want to put this in my portfolio, lots of stuff to figure out.

I'll be going with number 2, next step is figuring out the design then hopefully take it to finish.

the starry hair is pretty cool but kinda feel like it doesnt fit

This is looking awesome! That expression is pretty entertaining haha is that a tiny person I see at the center of the lightning?

I quite like the galaxy hair, I think it could be incorporated, although it does take from the focal point a little.

Thanks for the feedback! I like the galaxy hair too but the idea is he's kinda of like a lightning chaser and eats them, so he tries to catch the lightning before it hits the ground, I feel like the galaxy hair doesn't help in terms of backstory or origin, unless I make his story related to zoe or voids from league of legends (my goal is to fit this character in the league world). He's Ornn and Volibears nephew. Ornn made him drums and Voli plays with him using lightning/feeds him lightning, I imagine he plays with gnar and smashes head against each other xD. That's basically what I was keeping in mind. I'll let it sit for a day and comeback haha

A tiny person catching/harvesting the lighting and this guys catches them could be interesting :smile:

hahaha sorry for the long rant

Ahh I understand now! And yes by the sounds of it it wouldn't fit into that lore, which is perfectly fine lol either way I'm looking forward to see what you do with it :smiley:

8 days later

I think this is my final, I could probably render it better but I have no idea how to push it further without messing it up and spending too much time so I'll call this one finish and move on

So you did go with starry hair in the end? xD Looks great, loving how powerful the light from that lightning is

Yep! It felt too boring and empty on the hair side and I didn't want to paint the hair ahahaha

this is my favorite entry so far!
Very dynamic! and i love the expression on his face.
light, brushwork, color... everything seems so on point here! :open_mouth:

Love the playfulness of this piece!