Well... Maybe it's time to tell you something about Gwinir, and not just upload progress of work without a word :DDD

Gwinir is one of the most powerful demons of Hell. I had searched a lot of fire demons references before I started to work. And I've got really tired of huge, strong and furious image of them. So, I've decided to make my demon a little different than his big bros from pinterest. I wanted him to look like intelligent, duplicitous and cunning demon. ...
And I just hope he certainly looks that way now :DDD

Anyway when Gwinir is enraged, he shows his true self. I think I'll choose this stage as my final illustration, but i'm not sure yet ┐( ˘ 、 ˘ )┌

By the way, I'd really love some feedback on my design progress from you. ^-^

That's a really good idea and my favourite representation of demon. He kinda remind me demiurge from overlord but with even more style. The design is really cool and in the right direction. Maybe you could add an extra tiny detail which remind fire (as well don't forget the emblem).
For your thumbs I really enjoy the B, he look satisfied but also careless, like he have a bigger plan to execute and the carnage he made is just a small part.
But I'm not sure if we see as much of the character as we should for the challenge, as well I think it lack a bit of connection with the fire element.
Really good job so far :smile:

B and C helps sell your character as a dignified but malicious demon. It works, but I feel it's a little boring making him too non-chalant. With a bit of tweaking in the composition and body pose, it can help push that concept further while also help personify the fire element more like Oceane-Roh pointed out.

For example, in C, you could have him twist his body toward the camera and flick his finger. It helps provide a better focal point and narrative, plus the flick would connect with the action of releasing his flame on the corpses in the foreground. Just an idea.

13 days later

I was thinking this as well. Maybe illustrating a morph from heads 4 to 7 like that scene in LOTR where Bilbo Baggins' face turns super nasty. It's usually difficult to show transformation in a single image though.

Well, I haven't been here in a while

First of all, @Oceane_Roh @tj-works thanks for your advice! I thought about it and decided to start again and draw new sketches

Nice to hear from you again !
For me it would be the B or the C, the A perspective is a bit strange and I don't think it need this level of complexity. In fact my favourite is by far the D but it wouldn't work for the challenge

Nice to see you back. ^^

Agreed with Oceane_Roh. B or C are the best options. Personally I'd go with B as it makes for a funny visual gag and interesting narrative that stands out from the other entries. Hope you make it in time before the deadline.

yeah it's nice to see you back, personally I like C the most, I think it shows his nature well. It doesn't do well in showing him attacking or defending though? But I'm sure something like that can be easily added lol

B is super good, for all the reasons stated by the others

Yeah, nice to see you all too! ^-^

@Oceane_Roh I also think the D is good despite its simplicity. But, as you said, it wouldn't work for the challenge. So eventually, I chose the C. But the D I left for the future :))
@tj-works I've been deciding between the B and the C, but the funniest middle demon's look at the C helped me make the right choice :DDD
@nesokaiyoh I guess it can be interpreted as defending from stealing, hehe. But you're right, I should make it more obvious