Well... Maybe it's time to tell you something about Gwinir, and not just upload progress of work without a word :DDD
Gwinir is one of the most powerful demons of Hell. I had searched a lot of fire demons references before I started to work. And I've got really tired of huge, strong and furious image of them. So, I've decided to make my demon a little different than his big bros from pinterest. I wanted him to look like intelligent, duplicitous and cunning demon. ...
And I just hope he certainly looks that way now :DDD
Anyway when Gwinir is enraged, he shows his true self. I think I'll choose this stage as my final illustration, but i'm not sure yet ┐( ˘ 、 ˘ )┌
By the way, I'd really love some feedback on my design progress from you. ^-^