Update: so it's a mix of tribe culture evolve to a metal age so they have gladiator like weapons, They celebrate battles and war, The higher rank you are the bigger the mouth piece(which also projects your neck.) They point to the sky before the battle meaning god be the judge. However the gladiator forms doesn't match too well with tribe stuff. working things out...

Hi Din !

Nice design, I like the direction you choose for your characters ! To make weapons tribes matches with the tribe aspect, maybe you can check references in south america or africa tribes, to have shapes and tools more tribals, but mix with the metal and iron crafting. I'm thinking about weapons like Lizardmens in Warhammer, something like that.

Anyways, keep the good work !

Thankyou liko! Will look for those, but might go less on the metal stuff seems to be working now.

Nice pose and interesting story! Good work

Just one thing. It's only my personal opinion: In the rules it says that the character should be depicted either attacking or defending. And it seems that your character represents victory after the battle.

9 days later