first time joining too, so hi!! she already looks pretty fierce. are you set on using this pose/angle? maybe you could try some that show her in more of a flying-action, to give her more force! though, this one really displays her outfit nicely : )

Hi welcome to the forum! I think she looks great so far, if you made her wings white she would really stand out against that dark cloudy background imo

thank you for your feedback, i was indeed in trouble with the wings that were kind of sinking in the background, I think it could be a great solution, thank you! :smile:

No problem! It also means it matches her hair colour and makes the design more consistent

11 days later

hi there! here is a little update from the last work. I'm a bit busy these time so I'm working quite slow :cry: I added some FX but I don't know if it's too much ... I also changed the wings color and applied some lightning to make things more readable
Feel free to give some feedbacks, I'll be very thankful if it can bring my project to a next level

This is looking really awesome. The changes you made work well, although maybe a tad less lightning in the back so her spear is where most of the lightning is radiating from would be good too

yes you're right, I must admit I went a little bit crazy with the lights haha

I mean it adds to the atmosphere and it's definitely fine with them being there it's not a huge distraction xD It's easy to go mad with it, I know the feeling lol