My entry involves a champion defending his wounded comrade from a water elemental.
Before starting, I did a small research on how electricity might interact with water. In some recorded experiments on YT I noticed that the electricity charge kinda β€œpushed” water and now I try to implement it in my artwork.

I have done a couple thumbnails looking for a right pose and angle. Guess I’ll stop on #5 unless I think of something better.

*the bright things on his back will be some kind of feathers-antennae that help him generate electricity, or I might get rid of them, time will show. They look messy here.

I have a question - how do I change my forum username and picture? I've tried everything :sweat_smile:

Hiya welcome to the forum! If you want to change your pfp and name, hover over the little drop down menu where your name is in the top right corner, click on the upper "profile" option and everything will be there!

Nice concept, not often seen winged humanoids paired with electricity fighting against water so I'm looking forward to seeing what you produce!

I tried it, but somehow it doesn't work for my forum profile. I think i'll write to support now. Thank you anyways ))

Had some progress today.

Found out that water can cut metal.

Finally found a more dynamic pose & angle.

Made a messy sketch to check it out.

Also, thought on how I can develop the idea of "electricity collectors". Tried to merge them with the feathers of the wing. In the final design, i think I'll have a mix of the two. (They won't be as bright as they are here so that they don't distract from the focal region of the picture.)

Finally, moved the shapes from the previous variant to here, just wanted to check out how it will look in the end.

One question - does it feel like there's too much space here? Maybe a final sketch with more correct perspective will fix it.

So, the next step is finishing up the design of the creature, I think I'll give him some armor as well. Also, choosing a color scheme and making a clean sketch.

I always love seeing a good ol' pair of wings, love the concept