8 days later

I started late, but I'm not discouraged.
Here's my first sketch :sweat_smile: :+1:

I'm continuing with the character development,
concepts that I follow:
- Ostentatious
- Ray
- Divine
- Fast
- Powerful
I'm still developing the character, I hope you like it.

it has been a little difficult for me to define details of the character, in the end I think I can't define them all in the painting, but I will try .... :grin:

I've started with the painting, still very basic but I'll keep going up the progress more often.

Well I think I'm about to finish giving it more depth and make the rays of the character, some suggestion I'm attentive... :wink: :+1:

Lot of complex stuff going on here, it's difficult to rest the eyes anywhere particular. It would benefit from some clear lighting, give some shape and attention where it needs it most, then things won't blend in quite so much