I've had spent 2 days thinking up a concept, A lot of ideas were running through my mind, but none made sense storywise. Fortunately, I was able to settle down with a story of a female warrior defending her ancestor's palace using the powers from her dragon bracelets.

Liking the concept an story you have here. I wonder what kind of pose you'll give her.

Some progress, I focused on getting the face appealing

I am thinking of changing my concept slightly, as her outfit does not resemble someone that uses earth powers.

I asked friends online and they also agree that the outfit is not far too different from a normal Chinese dress, which is not really something groundbreaking (pun intended).

One suggested I look up into insects, I was baffled at first but after researching on some research, I have come up with the conclusion of giving her a Horned beetle theme. will do some brainstorm and see how that looks.

Sounds interesting, interested in seeing what comes next.

A lot has changed, I really like the middle design.

so far so good, on to sculpting the arm transformation.

I redesigned the boots, so that it resembles a beetle.

I think the redesign looks a lot better on her now. You can possibly add more beetle elements in other places as well.

Thanks and yep, I do plan on adding gold patterns on the black armor.

wow! this job evolves in leaps and bounds! The jade pendant is really beautiful. I can't wait to see it finished.

Now to add detail! I need to paint her face and design a pattern for her clothing, I also need to come up with a pose and give her a crystal weapon, which she converts from stone on the ground (imagine Earth bending, but the stone turns into jade and can be shaped into any weapon). I revisited the anatomy

I think I went a bit too extreme with the thigh muscles, gonna smooth it out a bit and make the legs more visible since the armor covered a lot of her skin. I am not really satisfied with the face as well, going to sculpt her expression straight on. Other than that, a weapon is still needed with a simple background that can make the character stand out.

Redid the design, the previous design did not read well as a whole, the armor parts weren't connecting to me.
So here is what I have so far, I am trying to read the entire body in one material before I apply colour. As for her weapon, I am going to design a Great sword that can split into dual swords. I also went overboard and experimented with the possible 3D hairstyles.