Let's start with a Refboard, the idea is to do something heavily inspired to the world of DarkSiders, so stylized, strong, dark and massive, will be for sure a fighter !!

I'll probably incorporate the contest symbol on the skin as a scar, stylizing it and making it more aggressive and in theme.
since I 'm sooooooooooooooo bad with 2D stuff I'll do the concept directly in 3D, taking pieces here and there from refboard and from my background and creating something unique... yups this is the plan...
... let's see what will happen...
... :sweat_smile:

Love the reference sheet a lot and i'm interested to see the design you do from 3D. Best of luck and have fun.

And here's the first wip, just a rough and dirty blockout, nothing refined but enough to understand the general mood and proportion !

When I start putting on some armor pieces he'll certainly look more exaggerated/basass, also I want to give him one of those huuuuuuuuge shields typical of Darksiders enemy :sunglasses:

thanks @malcom I'm haveing a lot of fun, finally I can get my hands on something big and bad from my favorite universe !

He looks like badass without any shield right now! Really brutal!
Looking forward to see more!

I agree. Looks dope so far. Love the proportions and the face looks really cool. I'm more excited to see more.

A LAVA DEMON! I love the idea, it never goes out of style.

Hey guys thanks for the support, grazie !
Tbh I'm super noob about forum, there is a way to see if anyone have a thread in the contest ?? or a search by name in the AW4 section ??

Another stupid question, we can see an image or preview of a thread ?? just to have a visual preview of the things inside the thread, there are a lot of entry and would be awesome !

@Sergei_Pakhomov thanks man !! You said the right word, I want to do something powerful and brutal as hell :imp:

@malcom @JoseTijerin hahahaha yeah demon & fire are always best friend, I'll try to do something a bit different from usual but in theme, hope to continue in the right direction !

If someone wanted to search by name they would click the search button right next to the "New Topic" Button
As for the second question, you can not see previews. You have to click and open the thread manually.
Don't worry about being a noob. That's why the mods and other helpful members are here for.

Update update !
It's time for some refine on the silhouette, adjustment in proportion and general scale, and a superipermega rough blocking for the principal pieces of armor, still in decision but I think I'll do with chest without armor to show the fire nature on his skin :sunglasses:

I'm not sure about the tail, but i think it adds a bit more balance and I can create something interesting with a tail ...

The things behind the back will be like those of the first reference ^^

ok I think it's all for now, next step refine on the organic stuff, retopo for a good first division on the armor plates ( and maybe to use as a retopology ) but first, it's time to move to the giant badass shield :imp:

And for sure, any feedback is suuuuper welcome,
Thanks !

Hey guys,
it's time for some shy little props, something you probably won't notice, the little shield :smiley:

I have to go faster because the time is short so I did directly all the steps for this piece, missing only the detail ( that I'll do for all the model at the same time to keep consistency and uniformity ).

For now it was the funniest piece to sculpt, I love these extreme shapes, hope you like too !

I'm moving to refine the rest of the body and hard surface and start adding some small pieces ( like ring, chain etc ), have some great things in mind :imp:

Thanks !

Oh yeah! this is starting to look really nice!

Hey guys big update here !

All the pieces start to looks in the right place, I added the weapon, retopo each piece of armor and give a nice border, redone the horns and refined everything.

I'm quite satisfied with the general aspect, now it's time to BREAK the simmetry ( yeah ! ) and go to detail and to the destruction of metals ( in full darksiders style :smiley: )

And this is the idea for the texturing mood

My intention is to do a full mid-poly retopology ( 30-50k tris ) will be quite long but it's what I have to do for a portfolio pieces for game, and a good topology is a part of good model, so the time is super tight but I'm happy to work on this bad guy !

@itseffindan thanks man, glad you like him, looking forward to see moar updato on you badass girl !

@juan Yeah thanks, I'll try to continue in the right direction :smiling_imp:

Character is looking pretty good so far! The horn shape is nice.

One thing to note is that the shield design very closely resembles this piece of concept art from Darksiders Genesis... I would suggest that you take it in another direction to maintain originality in your project.

Hey @baderkadunk thanks, glad you like the hornz, I did maaaaaaaany test thinking how to continue after the basic blockout, and at the end I decide for this one :smiley:

Same for each piece and the shield, I did a lot of research and saw thousands of images, taking heavy inspiration from each darksiders book and concept art, and combining everything I loved !!
Unfortunately ( or fortunately for who wants a tons of refs ) there are skulls of all kinds in every shape and pose, even if I put the horns on the head it would be very close to another, if I cut them off it would be similar to another one... it's a skull shield with horns :sweat_smile:

I will definitely try to make it more different, removing the symmetry or removing / adding elements, thanks for the feedback man !

This is a pretty badass character! Very menacing looking.