board of influence, while I think about how my character will look like, it will definitely be a warrior, but tender.

first time I make a quick sculpt in zbrush to understand how the model will look in the final, check the proportions and idea of the concept, add or remove. edits at a later stage will be more expensive.

10 days later

Hi, I made a base mesh in the T-pose, and began to work out the details, I think that at the moment of posing in a dynamic pose, I will still revise the idea.

To get started, I adjusted the simple shape of the head to the example in the photo ...

after I retopped and made the details according to the final model. open your eyes to the final model in a pose.

created the eyes, the iris sculpture, and baked everything on the rial time model

when he started to make teeth, he assembled, as usual, a board with reference photographs, tutorials and examples of final renderings. made a blank and thought it would be a great idea to consult my good friend dentist. Oh, I learned a lot! especially about the shape of the jaws. upper jaw - U, lower jaw - V. It was a great idea to ask for advice.

corrected the proportions of the wings. I think to put in a pose and after that make feathers so as not to waste time on the wing rig.

Great job so far! I love the concept of lightning-y wings, it's a very powerful image I've never seen yet. I also like a lot the face you sculpted, very nice details and believable shape overall.
Can't wait to see more!

thank you, I'm not sure about lightning-y wings, I started to analyze the wing anatomy, assembled a mudboard. let's see how it goes. Thanks for the support.

Nice concept! GL!

tested the lighting. The concept with wings of lightning will have to be redone. overexposure. starting to do concept 2.0

Wow! So beatiful!!
Her clothes, head, haircut are incredible!

Looking Awesome!