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Amazing!!! Congrats for the final result ๐๐
Thank you marisaaa!I appreciate your comment:)
Your work is so amazing! That final render has so much power I have no words! The whole character is just incredible! Congrats!
Incredible final result. I love how everything is integrated and the power transmitted by the image. Very Blizzard! Congrats for this result!
Amazing character! Congrats on ending!
Man this is so badass!! Love it Iยดd say this one is my favourite, so well done, big congrats and good luck
Came out great, congrats on finishing.
This turned out absolutely amaing! I was wondering how he'd look when textured and posed, and you really pulled it off. The lightning effects are icing on the cake!
@jana.hoege Wow, Thank you for your comment! Powerful silhouette was one of my theme, so I'm happy to hear that.
@aredondocg Oh, Very Blizzard! That's what I want achieve , and still work on it!
@Sergei_Pakhomov Thank you Sergei! I love your final result!
@juan Oh, I'm glad to hear that. Thanks, man!
@3dc Thank you for whole your comments during the challenge!
@Fraiselin I appreciate your comment,Fraiselin! I love posing character!