Hi, this is my first Art War. Im an aspiring 3D Artist with only school experience here to give my best.

I like to step right into Zbrush for concepting, right now i want to define the basic proportions and some spotlight shapes like the chest and the head. Then add wings and make sure my sculpt can go four legs like Dragons do.

Cheers and may the best 3D artist win!

DRAGONS!!! I love it, with textures for sure it looks amazing.

I had to go to work these two days (and the next two aswell), so progress is a bit slow but im happy with the base shapes of the horns, not gonna go for details any time soon before deciding on the rest of the body.

Im trying to decide what im going to give my character so it gets the the "god of storm" feel, so im thinkg about some totems he might use to channel lighting that float behind him, might scrap the idea, nor sure about anything yet

Finally some time to sculpt. Im still in very early stages but i added a material thats going to be the lightning for my character, i know substance and marmoset have emission shading so its going to be lots of fun

small update, still concepting. Liking the idea that the monoliths move and emanate lightning while also playing the role of "wings"

now im giving it some "layering effect" in order to get to the secondary shapes. Im sure ill make the tail larger eventually, question is how long?

also made separate teeth