@br00dley Thanks! Glad you like it!
And some more progress - rendering, rendering, rendering... (with some design tweaks)
@br00dley Thanks! Glad you like it!
And some more progress - rendering, rendering, rendering... (with some design tweaks)
1 month later
Personal details:
Name: Georgi Madzharov
Email: gmadjarov7@gmail.com
Website: https://www.artstation.com/georgimadzharov
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/g_madzharov.art
The Samodivas are jovial, dance-loving nocturnal forest spirits in bulgarian mythology. They lure mortals with their supernatural beauty and consume their souls, often while dancing with them. The samodivas can cause droughts and burn crops, but if a mortal earns their favor, the samodivas can become protectors of their family.
My goal with the design was to capture the duality of a creature, who is both attractive and predatory, while giving her a fun, careless attitude. She flows through the air with joy, without even sparing a look at her victims.
@prinzmoana Thanks! It was quite the journey (and sorry for the slow reply)
@dybanez Glad you like it!
@lidijam90 Thanks, it's really awesome to see all the cool entries!
@dannypavlovvr Thanks a lot! Успех и на теб!
@cedricgo Sorry for tagging you, but could you change my topic title from 'Samodiva' to 'Bulgarian Samodiva'? It doesn't let me finalize the edit.