2 months later
Thank you @WeirdOwl and @abdelkarim.guessous!
So yeah, it's been a little while with no progress made at all In this scenario there's no better thing to do than start less than 2 weeks before the deadline! XD
Here are some quick head sketches to figure out what this guy will look like. I'm probably gonna pick one of the two at the bottom who have scribbles beside them.
@philsawyer and @prinzmoana Thank you!
So the deadline is coming and I such I won't spend too much time on figuting out the pose and composition of my illustration .
My first idea was to have something dynamic with him jumping around while blocking stuff with his shields.
But then it didn't really allow me to show the flag motif that's on the shield all that much. So I did this one which is less epic, but allows me to shows the front of his shields.
I think I'll try to do a third option based of a more dynamic goaler's pose. And if I like it I'll probably go with it.
Googling 'Goalie Fights' can potentially give some pretty good pose references, considering how they have to stand and move with those huge pads on their legs. I find it gives them a strong, wide stance. It might give a bit more insight with what pose to go with.
Maybe a strong, wide stance with raised fists, the whole 'put-up-yer-dukes' sort of thing with those cool blocky pads on the arms?
I do love that first pose too!
Thanks for the feedback @philsawyer
It's pretty rough, but I think I like this. I might change it a bit, butI get to show the pads' front and it's more dynamic than my second one.
So I quickly sketched an inbetween pose as I thought neither of the two I had quite worked with what I had in mind. And I like this one better. It's still defensive, but has a bit more movement to it
And heres my very messy comp. He'll be in a snowy place with trees around. He'll be protecting a little creature by blocking various projectiles.