I know I'm definitely pushing it, I may have tripped a little on a thing called my silly brain, but we're getting there, and I'm still determined I can finish in time!
I was able to narrow things down to 3 rough designs (though by all means if you like certain parts of each I can frankenstein, but unfortunately timewise I cannot really go through another full design iteration lineup without sacrificing... well... time.
I would also like to note these are not in the final 'style' I'm going for, I just found it easier to concept in this style!
All 3 have the body type of 5 from the previous iterations.
1 is inspired by the 4th of the previous iterations,
2 is inspired by the 1st and 5th of the previous,
and 3 is inspired by... well... 3rd, of the previous iterations.
1 and 2 lean more into steampunk whilst 3 was, like its predecessor, an experimentation and a mix of historical dress and armor.
I'm personally leaning towards 1 or 2, but I'm open to hearing your guys thoughts! Then once I've FINALLY settled on her design, I can go ham on the colour palette and finally getting into a proper character sheet AND the illustration. Let's just hope this week is forgiving!