So whilst working on some rough early concepts, I found that I wasn't feeling the brawler one as much as I had originally thought, so I'm focusing on choosing one of the other three now. For each, I designed one semi-realistic proportioned character and one shorter character. I plan on working on more concepts (and in a different way to I have with these - I wanted to get across each concept with as minimal detail as possible, but I'm no good with working with black and white for such a colourful personality)
From top row to bottom row:
Teamancers/Tea magicians
Teabag flail knights
Aerial skirt artillery
Looking at them myself, I've made a few changes to how I will approach them:
Teamancers: I feel I reached too much into Eastern Asia influence with the outfits, and whilst that isn't much of a problem due to how multicultural England is, I want it to be a bit more obvious that they're a champion from England in terms of attire.
Teabag Flailers: Definitely will keep the skirt idea, however I'm not the best at designing armor or helmets for that matter, and they feel a little 'exposed' like they could clonk themselves out by accident! Will definitely consider head armor.
Aerial skirters: I WAS going to have it be a cyborg lower half, but I've decided to sprinkle a bit of magic into this concept as well and have the skirt be more of a pocket dimension. Need to figure out how to work the tea motif in a lot more though, other than having them have a literal cup of tea with them.
It's gonna be a tough choice, deciding which of the three 'class concepts' to go for and raise into a Champion for England!