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Not 100% but I'm definitly looking at doing a spirit of war/ probebly protection, and an actual spirit.
Some drawings I did before realising in the exact direction I want to go, definitly going to go full armour and alot of lavish cloth.
Definitely agreeing with you, the rightmost design and pose feel the most sturdy
I really like the design of no. 2 - looks very royal
Sketching and ideation, getting a bit closer I think.
Nice and flowy sketches
I am loving the head piece here!!!She has an air of elegance, but also looks ready to slay. I love it!
Awe! thanks guys,
@bauscheusse thanks Really want to do alot of cloth, although not sure if I want to render or just do really clean linework on the final beacause thats going to be alot of cloth work lol.
Your flowing fabrics look great. will they fade off into smoke or something in the colour stages? (Depending on how much of a "spirit" theme your going with.) Have you googled Britannia? She's sort of the personification of England and has a trident and shield.
love the veil in front of her eyes. gives a mysterious and royalty vibe to it